Monday, March 22, 2010

Self Medication

While I understand the importance of doctors in diagnosing and treating illness, I would like to be able to purchase and use corticosteroid nasal spray without having to first consult a physician. That is all.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Liz Lemon Has a Bad Ass Apartment

Liz Lemon, of the hit NBC TV show 30 Rock lives at 160 Riverside Dr, Manhattan, NY, 10024 and has a bad ass apartment. Gee, I wish I lived there.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: ima dude
You: Ok, so am I.
You: We're even.
Stranger: uhoh
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Humanity Is Doomed

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: heyy
You: Hey
You: Do you think it's rude to request personal information from strangers on the internet/
You: ?
Stranger: not really....
Stranger: if it's very personal, no
Stranger: but if it's your name, and where your from, it doesn't matter
You: Let me ask that another way; do you think it's rude to ask ASL as the second line of any conversation?
Stranger: not reallly
You: Hmmm... bugs the shit out of me, but go ahead and ask.
Stranger: um... ok what is your ASL?
You: 22/m/usa
You: disconnect?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Next Conversation

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hey.
Stranger: hi
You: Challenge:
You: Can you think of a question besides ASL?
You: Bonus points if you can.
Stranger: mmm
Stranger: skip question?
You: That's more of a statement/
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hey
Stranger: asl plz
You: Jesus not again
Stranger: hhahaha
Stranger: wwat?
Stranger: seems funny
Stranger: :p
You: Seriously, what does it matter, you have no way to verify anything I tell you.
Stranger: lol...but we can still visualize whom we are chatting with..
Stranger: like....17 m aus.../71 f makes all the diff........m i right?
You: well yeah, but I am male and so many of these conversations start out "asl" "22/m/usa" [Disconnect]
Stranger: ahaha..
Stranger: u knw the reason..
Stranger: right?
Stranger: :p
You: Because I'm a bad liar?
Stranger: all want some girl....see...if u r male...n ur opponent s also male...y ll he chat...he wud wish to get soem girl....u get ma point?
Stranger: some*
You: I do.
You: I guess I must be old, but it seems to me if you want to jerk off there's plenty of porn on the internet.
Stranger: chatting also....male n male seems to be kind of gay...n girls aslo wanna chat wid boys..i guess...
You: But I could of said I was a female, and that would've been equally gay.
Stranger: u wish to chat wid male or female?....
You: I don't care. I just want to have a conversation with a stranger.
Stranger: yea...but it changes the mentality.....
Stranger: wel.....jst get used to it.....then it ll be fine...
Stranger: if u dont wish to chat with females.....then bttr say that u r a female...ok?
You: I really don't see the logic there.
Stranger: say 17 female aus....all ll start chatting....coz i have tried it...
Stranger: aha..
Stranger: yea.
You: Yeah, but that's gay.
Stranger: u r right though
Stranger: i knw.......
Stranger: lol...u r funny
You: I would rather get a bunch of disconnects and flames than lie to people on the internet.
You: I have better things to do with my time
Stranger: ahahaha....
Stranger: yea.....y not...ur wish....
Stranger: u r free to do nything...
You: Exactly.
Stranger: but lying on internet is not a crime...:p:D
You: No it's just a douchey thing to do.
Stranger: yea..maybe chill....
Stranger: u dont have gf?
Stranger: ok dude..see ya.....
You: Audios guy.
Stranger: coz.....i also want a girl.....not for sex n porn n all....but to chill ma mind.....coz boys cant do it....:)
You: Whatever floats your boat dude.
Stranger: audios?
You: Spanish for see ya
Stranger: yea..
You: Via Con Dios.'
Stranger: ok..
Stranger: ok...see careful at asl frm next time...u may answer 17 f spain....:p
Stranger: byee......
You: We'll see
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My new desktop background (tiled).

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Today I read FML to make myself feel better about my own life. Also I drank 8 beers, all by myself , for no reason at all. FML.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Some Thoughts About Addiction

Is addiction a disease?

I don't think so. I think addiction is more akin to temporary insanity than any sort of disease. For instance you can't give up cancer, but if you try really hard and stick with it you can give up cigarettes.

However if you must consider it a disease, why do we penalize people for it? A madman is not held accountable for his actions. He may be institutionalized if he is deemed a danger to himself or others, but he is not fined or jailed (well, this is America, so he maybe jailed or even executed).

You can justify locking up addicts if they are a danger to themselves or others, but what is the harm of smoking a joint or indulging in a seven percent solution of cocaine in the quiet of your own home? How is this any different from enjoying a whiskey and coke or any other alcoholic beverage?

It all adds up to personal responsibility. Merely ingesting an intoxicating substance is no reason to lock someone up and throw away the key. Neither is addiction. America's commitment to such a policy is both asinine and outdated, a leftover of the prudishness that brought us such resounding successes as the 18th Amendment. Moreover, it is contrary to America's tradition of respect for the rights of the individual and self determination.

Money that is spent on the so-called war on drugs could be better spent treating addiction, and on preventative measures to ensure addiction does not happen in the first place. Forty years of addressing mainly the supply side issues has done little to combat the drug epidemic (God, how I wanted to put quotation marks around drug epidemic). Prosecution of addicts, dealers and even smugglers has done little to curb drug usage. Addicts will (almost always) be addicts, dealers are a dime a dozen, and drug smuggling is such a lucrative business that busting a supplier is only a temporary fix.

The failure of the D.A.R.E program is symbolic of the failure of the drug war. It emphasized that drugs, all drugs, are bad. Equally bad. If you smoke a joint, well you must be a junkie. If you shoot up some heroin, same deal, you're still a junkie. Just say no, OK kids? It took the rather fascist view that because drug use is against the law, it must be wrong.

A much more successful program, the Montana Meth Project, emphasized the dangers of addiction. It didn't tell kids that meth isn't fun, or that by doing it they're aiding terrorists or other such bullshit, but that it is addictive, that it will make you ugly, and that it is often fatal. This program emphasized the effects of drug use and addiction on both the user and close to them. Rather than making moral judgments about the substance in question or those who choose to use it, the campaign presented situations where, because of addiction or impairment, people made poor choices and let the viewer make up their own mind. Not only that, but the ad campaign associated with the Montana Meth Project was gritty, vulgar, and most importantly, real in a way that D.A.R.E never was.

Hopefully the Obama administration will not continue the mistakes of the past. What is needed is decriminalization of drug use and the legalization of the so called soft drugs such as marijuana, magic mushrooms and even LSD. The revenue from taxes garnered from the sales of these drugs could be used to promote anti drug campaigns and treatments, such is the case of sales tax revenue from the sales of alcohol and tobacco. Not only that, but licensing growers and makers of these presently illicit drugs would give the government further power to regulate the growers and makers of the drugs to insure that the proceeds from the sales of such do not fund terrorists while providing additional tax revenue.

As Jello Biafra once said "For every prohibition you create you also create an underground," which is what we have been doing, and it needs to stop.

Monday, January 4, 2010


Hey, remember the Lion King? You know that degraded cesspit of a movie that encouraged our young 'uns to lie, steal, murder, cheat and worst of all DISBELIEVE IN OUR LORD GOD, JESUS CHRIST!

I don't, but these people do.